Times Art Museum Beijing
We are showing our work Grape Chandelier and Urns with Grapes at a group show at Times Art Museum, Beijing. The show is titled “At the Moment”
We are showing our work Grape Chandelier and Urns with Grapes at a group show at Times Art Museum, Beijing. The show is titled “At the Moment”
Our exhibition at Kadokawa Culture Museum included as one of ten exhibitions to see in and around Tokyo. See link here
We are pleased to announce that our first large survey show in Japan “Ken + Julia Yonetani: That is why I want to be saved” will be held at the new Kadokawa Culture Museum. This unique art museum was designed by Kengo Kuma one of the world renowned architects and will be ground opened with …
Read more “Survey Show at the new Kadokawa Culture Museum, Japan”
We are exhibiting our work “Three Wishes” in the Asia Society Triennial “We Do Not Dream Alone” NYC which will be opened on 27th October 2020 in the New York City. Over 40 individuals from 19 countries are set to participate.
Our monograph is now for sale at Mizuma Art Gallery here
Ken + Julia Yonetani have been creating works inspired by environmental destruction and issues related to the global economic system. They say that their motivation comes from their own anxiety: catastrophe being their self-proclaimed “shtick.” This time around, they turn their attention to the world of microorganisms. Through farming, in the last several years Ken …
Read more “Exhibition at Mizuma Gallery, Tokyo “Dysbiotica: The Age of Imbalance””
“RAW: Craft, Commodity, and Capitalism” We are showing our work Grape Chandelier in this really interesting exhibition at Craft Contemporary. Exhibition and Artist Statement below… RAW features nine contemporary artists who work with a range of commodities as artistic material to explore the historical and contemporary effects of global capitalism. Their deliberate use of these materials …
Our work The Three Wishes is currently showing in this exhibition at Lothringer13 in Munich, Germany. Benten Clay / Michael Danner / David Fathi / Nina Fischer & Maroan El Sani / Cornelia Hesse-Honegger / Henrik Plenge Jakobsen / Soichiro Mihara / Pieter Laurens Mol / Volker Sattel & Stefan Stefanescu / Kota Takeuchi / Peter …
MAM COLLECTION 009: KEN + JULIA YONETANI What the Birds Knew 2019.2.9(Sat) – 5.26(Sun) Curated by: Kondo Kenichi (Curator, Mori Art Museum) Further information: Please visit to Museum’s website →Click here Artist Talk: “In Their Own Words” →Click here for further information 2019.2.10 (Sun) 17:00-18:30 Japanese-English simultaneous interpretation available “MAM Collection 009” will present …
Our new site specific installation Golden Pyramid is exhibited in BOAA (The Biennale of Australian Art). “The Victoria Gold Trophy” was a central feature of the London International Exhibition of 1862, representing the volume of gold imported to London from Victoria during the gold rush years of 1851-61, over 800 tons. The “Golden Pyramid” recreates this …