Full page article in French national paper, Liberation
Some great reviews of the exhibition Camera Atomica, Art Gallery of Ontario. We wish we could be there. Review in The Globe and Mail Review on Nexopia
Our salt work is featured in German in an art/food magazine.
Our first book has been published. Now on sale through the following sites. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ken-Julia-Yonetani-Pocock-M/dp/2359061313 http://www.amazon.fr/Ken-Julia-Yonetani-Melanie-Pocock/dp/2359061313/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1429082164&sr=8-1&keywords=yonetani+ken http://www.furet.com/ken-julia-yonetani-2919305.html
We are exhibiting a Video work “Imagine Tree” in a group show “Scientific Gardening” at ERES Stiftung, Munich Germany. It will be opened on 6 May, 2015. http://www.eres-stiftung.de/en/events/scientific_gardening_program.html
Our salt work is in “Experimental Eating” published by Black Dog publishing. http://blackdogonline.com/all-books/experimental-eating.html http://www.amazon.com/Experimental-Eating-Tom-Howells/dp/1908966408
Interview with Michael Cathcart of Books and Arts Daily: http://mpegmedia.abc.net.au/rn/podcast/2014/02/bay_20140207_1016.mp3
We will be on the ABC Radio National Books and Art Daily program tomorrow Friday Feb 7th around 10.40 am stay tuned!!