Our first book now on sale!

Our first book has been published. Now on sale through the following sites. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ken-Julia-Yonetani-Pocock-M/dp/2359061313 http://www.amazon.fr/Ken-Julia-Yonetani-Melanie-Pocock/dp/2359061313/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1429082164&sr=8-1&keywords=yonetani+ken http://www.furet.com/ken-julia-yonetani-2919305.html      

Our next show at Munich, Germany

We are exhibiting a Video work “Imagine Tree” in a group show “Scientific Gardening” at ERES Stiftung, Munich Germany. It will be opened on 6 May, 2015. http://www.eres-stiftung.de/en/events/scientific_gardening_program.html

Experimental Eating

Our salt work is in “Experimental Eating” published by Black Dog publishing. http://blackdogonline.com/all-books/experimental-eating.html http://www.amazon.com/Experimental-Eating-Tom-Howells/dp/1908966408  

Camera Atomica Catalogue

The launch of the catalogue Camera Atomica, featuring images of our Crystal Palace: the great exhibition of the works of industries of all nuclear nations, will take place on October 9th, with a panel discussion with curator Professor John O’Brian on October 14th @ WORK gallery London.

ABC radio national tomorrow

We will be on the ABC Radio National Books and Art Daily program tomorrow Friday Feb 7th around 10.40 am stay tuned!!