The Last Temptation

The Last Temptation banquet, held outside the National Gallery of Australia Contemporary Spaces in conjunction with Enlighten Canberra, was a great success. Over 2000 people attended the Zen-inspired Coral Garden 20 meter long banquet.  

Artereal 10th Anniversary

Artereal Gallery celebrates its 10th Anniversary with works from a selection of artists that have been associated with the gallery over this time, at Artereal Gallery, Rozelle, Sydney. Opening March 2nd from 6pm.

Artists working in Glass

“Both (Yhonnie) Scarce and Yonetani are using glass in a political context, working beyond the vessel. This work is being celebrated in the wider museum frame, not boxed off in a side gallery but part of the main stage.” New article on contemporary artists using glass published in Arts Hub.

Article in Lost at E Minor

“Ken and Julia Yonetani have been offering up powerful and provocative masterpieces that seriously inspire.” Article on our exhibition at National Gallery of Australia in Lost at E Minor

Art Forum at ANU Canberra

Ken + Julia Yonetani 6pm 2nd March 2016 Art Forum Visiting Artists Lecture Theatre Australian National University School of Art  Ken + Julia Yonetani Art Forum

Mizuma Book

We are very privileged to be a part of this book, written in both English and Japanese, that includes some amazing artists. It can be purchased at various site such as Amazon, or from Mizuma Gallery directly.